Sitting in the family room. alone. watching THEIR shows. Is there something wrong with me?! You know you have lost all control of the "you" in your life when you get excited that My Little Pony has covered a Katy Perry song, yikes!!
Today marks yet another week in the "Daddy is at sea" books. Another red letter day here. Yesterday afternoon I got word that the location for Reagan's football game has been changed. I quickly crunch the numbers and realize I can swing both games in differnt locations and pictures for one, phew. Crisis averted. The alarm goes off at 0540 this morn and we get ready and off we go ... Only we find out that Reagan's gametime has been changed to 1015. That's great, but we are already AT the field when we find this out... it's 0745!! Ugh, so I get to watch the first half before we race off (minus Reagan) for the Sportplex for team pix for the Bubba. Fast forward to weighins... no opponent. Fast forward to gametime... no opponent. Ugh!! not again?!? All that chicken with a head cutoff for NO reason.
Well, I guess a win is a win, but those boys really needed a W.
Earlier this month I was lucky enough, crazy enough to get to volunteer to go on & carpool for the Twinnies' Pumpkin Patch field trip. This is my single most favorite-est thing to do all year long. They did not disappoint... The Poser and The Blur, see if you can figure out who is who..