Every day. Every day I drink Diet Coke on ice. Every day I tell someone to stop looking at their sibling. Every day I pick up clothes off the floor and hang-up damp bath towels. Every day. Every day I make breakfast to order for 5 kids. Every day I tell the Middle to stop kicking random toys around the house. Every day. I empty and fill the dishwasher. Every day. Every day I wait for the standard soft kisses from the twinnies at naptime and bedtime (mouth, nose, head, each cheek, each eye...) Every day. Every day I hound my Cub Scout to work on his assignments. Every day I "watch" the news on my Ipod at bedtime. Every day. Every day I pour half apple juice/half water cocktails for Frick & Frack. Every day I rotate laundry. I don't do it. I just rotate it. Every day. Every day I marvel at my children's sheer brilliance. Every day I shuffle to and fro to the bus stop with the wee-est ones either running too fast or trailing behind to see off the Bigs. Every day. Every day I tell my older daughter, the one who is so smart and pretty to slow down, no REALLY slow down. Every day I ask the hubby how his day was. Every day he tells me something along the lines of "fine". Every day. Every day I watch Yo Gabba Gabba. Every day I look at football cards with my Biggest. Every Day I hear the constant drone of, "I Want You." Every Day. Every Day I heavy sigh the pure exhaustion and repetition that is my life. Every day I am thankful for my happy little family.
Every Day.
Some fun scrappiness just for the folks at Scrapbook Express...
The life of motherhood, huh Jenny!! I can semi relate... semi in the fact I have three kids and no twinnies. Everyday, I feel like a broken recorder constantly repeating myself, the same thing over and over. Everyday, I worry about the oldest. She is living on campus, not the best part of town in MN. Their car has already been broken into once. But, thankfully, she seems to be doing ok. I am glad all seems to be going well in your neck of the woods!! Completely LOVING your projects (as always!!) Hugs!! Michelle