Patrick is still on his ia (3 months down, 5 to go). He splits his time between Tampa and DC. He's been briefing with General Petraeus, Admiral Mullen, etc, etc. So very exciting. Now if only he could spill what it is he's working on! In other Donk news, he made LCDR and also was selected for Department Head. So wonderful to see him making steps towards his ultimate Navy career goals.
Due to my feeling under the weather, I've done virtually no scrapping since I did my projects with June's mosh posh kit. July's wonderful kit is in the house just loaded with October Afternoon's much anticipated Cherry Lane. Hoping to start on that this eve. Look for the reveal on the 5th and hopefully some peeks before then.
Since I always leave you with at least a little scrappiness. Here a little something in the works...