The holiday/birthday season continues to kick my arse. The twins continuing to boycott their nap continues to kick my arse even harder. With that said, I'm lucky to get ready for Christmas, much less get my scrap on. So, I apologize for the light on the scrappy posts. But, I will be back with scrappy bells on come January 1, 2010. So much up my sleeves, I tell ya.
The out of town packages went out last week. The dreaded, I mean wonderful Christmas card/photocard/letter went out Monday. So, that leaves eating, I mean baking goodies with the cherubs. And, spending time with my folks who are back in VA to spend Christmas with my brood. So blessed they'll travel for me, cuz Lord knows, I can't travel with this crew. The Coca Cola Company doesn't make enough Diet Coke for that!!
Here's Reagan the morning of the ER evening. Darn that Sassy roughhousing...

Quick! She's coming!

Bribery works wonders to keep them out from underfoot for a few... (don't ask about the hat)

I will not touch, I will not touch, I will..

I should save this for the next No Faces Friday...

These pictures are just waiting to be scrapped...

One bit of scrappiness. Did this for a Design Team call... Love how it turned out.